Cause of whiteness

cause of whiteness

cause of whiteness

Often leucorrhoea occurs because women underestimate the cleanliness of the body just for lazy reasons. If we rarely bathe or at least change panties at least twice a day, then the vital organs are at risk of experiencing excess moisture and can trigger the emergence of bacteria that will eventually make whiteness arise. In addition, some women who do not change the pads periodically when the menstrual period arrives can also trigger the development of bacteria that trigger leucorrhoea.
In addition to lazy to maintain body hygiene, vaginal discharge can also be caused by the presence of fungi, bacteria, viruses, or even parasites that can cause health problems more dangerous. Uniquely, contamination of fungi, bacteria, viruses, or even parasites that cause leucorrhoea in this woman may not be because women are lazy to maintain the cleanliness of vital organs. The lips of public toilet toilets, toiletries, to intercourse can be the cause of contamination of these things.
Unwittingly, vaginal discharge can also be caused because women consume certain types of drugs, especially antibiotics consumed in the long-term. This long-term consumption can trigger a decline in the immune system so that women will easily get whitish disease.
The modern world can also make women more susceptible to stress until depression. If women experience stress, then some stress hormones eventually appear and can adversely affect the cause of vital vaginal discharge.
May be useful.
