Wound Healing Process

The process of wound healing takes time varying, depending on the severity of the wound, the location of the wound, the treatment during the healing period, and the general condition of your body. Wound healing can last for 3 weeks. However, in severe injuries it takes longer time even years, plus if the patient has certain diseases such as diabetes, blood clotting disorders and other diseases that cause injury difficult to improve. The location of the wound on an area whose blood flow is slightly as in the foot also requires a longer healing time than the wound on the hand.
During wound care it is important to note the following:
1. Keep the wound clean and dry.
2.When the wound is still covered bandages, keep the bandage dry and clean, if dirty or wet immediately replace with a new bandage.
3. Avoid scratching or touching the wound area too often.
4. Make sure your hands are always clean by washing them before and after touching the wound.
5.If you have an allergy to a certain material avoid exposure.
6.Avoid the emphasis in the area that is injured, especially on the feet use a soft and comfortable footwear.
7.Make the intake of nutritious foods, the main consumption of foods containing lots of protein such as eggs, fish, soybeans and sports, etc. for the wound healing process runs optimally.
7. Avoid consumption of foods that trigger allergic reactions.
9. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
10.Stop smoking when smoking.
11. Avoid alcohol consumption1
12. Manage stress.
May be useful.
